Dave Smith Instruments lanceert de Mopho x4 synthesizer keyboard, zie de onderstaande introductievideo. Deze biedt 4-stemmige polyfonie en meer knoppen dan de Mopho keyboard. De prijs is $1299.
De bijgeleverde software-editor wordt geleverd door SoundTower, daar zijn we niet zo enthousiast over. Gezien de ervaringen met de software-editor van de Mopho zal deze helaas geen standaard VST-ondersteuning bieden.
Dave Smith Instruments launches the Mopho x4 synthesizer keyboard, see the introductory video below. It has 4-voice polyphony and more controls than the Mopho keyboard. The price is $ 1299.
The included software editor is provided by SoundTower. We are not so enthusiastic about SoundTower’s software editors. Given the experience with the software editor of the Mopho, the Mopho x4’s editor will be lacking standard VST support, which is a shame.